Student Art Work on Farmington Avenue

Congratulations to Stephanie Boice whose window concept was chosen for the holidays!  This is a community bridging endeavor between Berlin High School and Scraptivity.  Her concept sketch was chosen among others to be painted on the large front windows of the store.  Scraptivity is a local reuse/repurpose art supply store on 1020 Farmington Avenue, Berlin.  To be a contestant, students turn in concept sketches to Mrs. Miller (Room 1701). Every month (or two), all concept sketches are then turned in to the shop owner who decides whose work will be featured next.  Along with the opportunity to have their work on the main strip in Berlin, students receive a twisted board dry erase board, (examples in 1701) and a newspaper write up by the owner.  What a great opportunity and resume builder!  Congratulations to Stephanie!